Who Are We?

The National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC) is a voluntary organization that replaced the Uniform Claim Form Task Force in 1995.  The committee was created to develop a standardized data set for use by the non-institutional health care community to transmit claim and encounter information to and from all third-party payers. It is chaired by the American Medical Association (AMA), with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as a critical partner. The committee is a diverse group of health care industry stakeholders representing providers, payers, designated standards maintenance organizations, public health organizations, and vendors.

The NUCC was formally named in the administrative simplification section of the HIPAA of 1996 as one of the organizations to be consulted by the American National Standards Institute's accredited SDOs and the Secretary of HHS as they develop, adopt, or modify national standards for health care transactions. As such, the NUCC is intended to have an authoritative voice regarding national standard content and data definitions for non-institutional health care claims in the United States. The NUCC's recommendations in this area are explicitly designed to complement and expedite the work of the Accredited Standards Committee Electronic Data Interchange (ASC X12N) in complying with the provisions of P.L. 104-191.

The NUCC is comprised of the key parties affected by health care electronic data interchange (EDI) - those at either end of a health care transaction, generally payers and providers. Criteria for membership include a national scope and representation of a unique constituency affected by health care EDI, with an emphasis on maintaining or enhancing the provider/payer balance. Each committee member is intended to represent the perspective of the sponsoring organization and the applicable constituency. Representatives are responsible for communicating information between the committee and the group(s) they represent.